Yesterday, I decided I wanted to make another one-inch teddy bear. I sat down, traced the pattern, cut it out, and, three or four hours later, I had a completed teddy bear sitting in my hand. I love one-inchers, they're so fast and easy.
After completing that teddy, I decided to get out some Minkee fabric I bought years ago and make that cat pattern I found at Market. It's huge! It's about a foot tall and long! Really, I think making things that big is just so much harder than making a miniature. You wind up with handfuls of slippery fabric, you have to use pins, you get covered with fuzz, you have to feed it all through a sewing machine and try to keep the edges lined up, you have to fight with it as you stuff it... It's all just so big and cumbersome. Okay, I'm exaggerating my frustration a little bit; I just think it's so funny that it's so annoying for me to make something larger than about three inches tall :-P
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